Comment history

GodSpeed says...

Covid really exposes who the control freaks are, would never vote for this clown.

GodSpeed says...

arrest the parents too.

GodSpeed says...

Say the Bahamas wakes up tomorrow a Republic.

Still can't feed our own people, relying on imports, still backing our currency with US dollars, still high unemployment, still high violent crime, still D average, still can't defend your own airspace, still can't defend your own borders, still getting flooded with illegals and still would need the help of the US and UK if the shit really hits the fan, it's completely meaningless. Focus on what's important.

On The debate on Republic has begun

Posted 29 March 2022, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

How about fixing unemployment and violent crime instead of wasting time and energy on foolishness? Becoming a republic won't fix any of the problems in this country.

On Leslie Miller: Republic issue is dead talk

Posted 28 March 2022, 9:43 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

What a creative way to say "I don't understand anything".

On It’s over $6 a gallon to fill up your car

Posted 28 March 2022, 11:40 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Thank Joe Biden and Democrats!

On It’s over $6 a gallon to fill up your car

Posted 28 March 2022, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

All of the former colonies can scream "republic" as much as they want to be "Woke", "Trendy" and distance from the past but they still will ultimately be "local government" and vassals of the United States or whatever is the large regional power. The US and International Banks, that all the former colonies borrow from, will ultimately dictate policies to these nations.

Instead of worrying about meaningless gestures such as becoming a "republic", these former colonies should be trying to feed themselves instead of relying on imports, back their own currencies with something like gold or silver instead of US dollars, own their own debt instead of being owned by international banks and secure their borders, that's what real countries do.

GodSpeed says...

You can distance yourself from the past as much as you want, still won't change what happened.

GodSpeed says...

Congratulations, you managed to write something that's not complete MSNBC Democrat drivel for once. Also bonus points for amazingly not mentioning Trump once, must have been difficult for you.

You could have went deeper in explaining how this war actually came to be:

1. 2014 Coup in Ukraine with aid of the US State Department ( as proven by leaked phone calls of the US officials like Victoria Nuland organizing the coup ) to remove a pro-Russian lawfully elected leader.

2. The 8 year shelling of the Eastern separatist regions that wanted to secede after the coup, carried out by the Ukrainian army. These regions are mostly populated by ethnic Russians.

3. The fact that the US and Ukraine ignored Russia's security concerns. Now Ukraine concedes to the same security concerns that Russia and Putin had before the war. Maybe Zelensky should have listened before getting a bloody nose.

Putin is not a saint and neither is Ukraine. Most people that cheer for Ukraine are not aware that their Army which fights against Russia on the eastern front is largely comprised of White Supremacists and disgusting racists that openly practice and follow Nazi ideology, called the "Azov Battalion", these are the same thugs that led the 2014 coup in coordination with the US State Department and were later absorbed into their Army. Funny enough the Democrats in the US which love call everyone "Nazis" ignores the real Neo Nazis. Fortunately the Russians are murdering them in Mariupol by the hundreds.

GodSpeed says...

Are you also angry at the African chiefs that sold our ancestors into slavery to the British? 🧐 Focus on the future, not the past.