Comment history

GodSpeed says...

The "vaccines" are useless and dangerous so what's the point? Tell the IMF to go to hell, they're vultures anyway, not friends.

GodSpeed says...

Bay Street shouldn't have even been an area that allows vehicular traffic. Should be pedestrians only, the streets cobblestone...with shops, restaurants and entertainment, deliveries in back and multilevel parking facilities nearby. More like Marina Village on PI. The way it is now is embarrassing, a broken down bum fest often congested with traffic. Who owns those properties anyway, has to be the wealthiest in the country, make them pay penalties for derelict properties or something and use those funds to clean the place up. Was there any planning at all to the way it's all laid out, seem haphazard? Unfortunately it would require a large effort similar to what Ingraham managed to do with the road works only to get voted out for it.

On Time to clean up Downtown

Posted 23 March 2022, 11:41 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

The Bahamas "I deserve free money!" Committee 😆
I'll bet they all got "educated" by Marxists in the US.

On Royals ‘must reckon’ with reparations

Posted 23 March 2022, 11:19 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Just about every country on Earth is the same. The Bahamas managed to keep our debt lower than GDP for a long time, way longer than most countries... but unfortunately now it's over.

GodSpeed says...

definitely, they're all thieves

On $2.92Bn of Russian funds in Bahamas

Posted 21 March 2022, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Better don't touch that money.

On $2.92Bn of Russian funds in Bahamas

Posted 21 March 2022, 9:49 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Just go away and take your stupid rules with you.

GodSpeed says...

destroying the statue isn't going to change the past.

On No decision on Columbus statue

Posted 18 March 2022, 9:01 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

My God liberals are stupid. What does Ukraine have to do with Trump? He's not in office remember? Hasn't been for more than a year now. Also Trump was not wrong in taking a stance that Russia and the US should be friendly and work together. Peace through strength, the same tactic he used with North Korea. And the world was mostly at peace then. Now look, since the incompetent Democrats took over everything is falling apart.

GodSpeed says...

Bahamas should "Stand with Ukraine"? Do you even know anything about Ukraine? Do you even know why Russia invaded Ukraine? Do you know that there was a coup in Ukraine in 2014 to remove the democratically elected pro-Russian leader in Ukraine? Do you know the US State Department, US Embassy in Ukraine and US Ambassador in Ukraine were caught organizing this coup through leaked phone calls in cooperation with an extremist far-right actual Neo Nazi group in Ukraine that now is apart of their regular army? This is all verifiable, look it up. Go search for "Azov Battalion" and read about it or check the Wikipedia entry for "Azov Battalion". I'm talking about people that openly profess the Nazi ideology, do the Nazi salute, wear their symbols and endorse racism and fascism, openly. This is who is fighting Russia, that's who you're cheering on, people that would view you as subhuman basically. For 8 years they've been shelling the pro-Russian eastern parts of Ukraine that wanted to secede after the US led coup to install a puppet government. That's what the leadership of Ukraine is today, a US puppet government. Why was the US instigating these actions on Russia's borders?

Funny how the Democrats in the US will work with actual Nazis, when they attacked President Trump falsely as being one. Even Alexei Navalny, the man that the western media paints as some kind of saint hero that Putin "poisoned" is a vile racist that said despicable things about Blacks. All this talk of "justice" and "international law" yet you disregard the hypocrisy of the US as "whataboutism". The Iraq War was illegal, where was all the outrage then? How come nobody blacklisted and sanctioned the US? The Bahamas has nothing to do with that conflict and should stay out of it.