Comment history

Hoda says...

Why would the government take long to forward the money seems to be the question u should be asking? Why would govt only give 2.7? The dra doesn’t decide how much money is spent, cabinet sets the budget and decides what money goes where and how much....

So all your life and all of the history of the country ministry of works build infrastructure, bpl responsible for their pole and electricity, wsc responsible for the water now the dra what started in Jan of 2020 responsible... why would they be responsible for the price of materials. I thought your second home owners was paying for everything.

Hoda says...

Why would the dra be rebuilding Customs @dww?

Hoda says...

I’m surprised this isn’t Minnis fault for not letting us go to the beach and letting us buy tickets to Florida

Hoda says...

Who should we blame for the costs of the test - Minnis or the labs and hospitals setting their prices?

Who should we blame for the cost of ticket to family islands - Minnis or the island industry, just asking cause domestic flights been more expensive than flights to Florida before 2019.

Hoda says...

18? You skip the 30 year old, the 35 year old and go straight to 18?

On PM reveals details on housing scheme

Posted 4 April 2021, 8:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

So young people or persons who qualify shouldn’t have the benefit or opportunity because you didn’t get it or don’t have it. Sad. You’re comparing a young receiving a benefit where they buy the land and build homes out of there pocket, employ contractors, engineers, architects, plummers to the govt building some low cost homes and giving them free of charge. Sad. When some of old angry jealous bitter Bahamians go home to glory the rest of us will be better off.

On PM reveals details on housing scheme

Posted 4 April 2021, 8:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Experts in global affairs, international relations, diplomacy, finance... but cannot have exchanges where divergent opinions exist...hmmm

Hoda says...

Oh so you were wealthy and financial stable from ...2002 - 2007, 2012 - 2017 then poor again? Been playing the stock market aye? The ppl in the over hill communities were rich with no outdoor toilet between 2002 - 2007, 2012 - 2017 aye, this is what I dot understand about you political vampires... anyway no point in engaging y’all will be pushing slippers down road in dirty yellow shirt for years still waiting for someone to give y’all something.

On Symonette and Speaker clash

Posted 16 March 2021, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Lol, you are a paid agent, political agent or paid political puppet. You choose. Were these the talking point Mitchell and Davis sent out this week?

On All govt contracts will be made public

Posted 16 March 2021, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

But unemployed and uneducated PLP supporters always saying nasty things about ppl that have nothing to do with anything all day. What’s good for the goose must be good for the gander. Even worse, they prey on ignorance of others who get information from Facebook and WhatsApp. But everyone just need to start bringing lawsuits and I hope the plp pay these ppl legal fees and damages.