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Hoda says...

Because we live in a society that can never take responsibility for their lives or actions, everyone is a victim, everything is a personal affront. Why do u need a free bag, even if solomons has no bag to offer bring your own. But they get up here talking about carnival and shit. When I hop in a boat for a ride on the weekends I wonder whose bud light and coke bottles those are floating around out to sea, whose kfc boxes scattered on the side of the road, garbage dumped through side streets. But we love the environment. This person is an idiot so it’s best not to engage. When one gets to the point of arguing against the great atrocity to Bahamian society of reducing plastic bags, lol, we should just let natural selection deal with them.

Hoda says...

...cause the PLP isn't? LOL. Thats why out of touch ppl need to sit down and some point, someone tell Mr Davis the Youtube Ads that his party pays to be played in between my videos, says paid for by the PLP at the end.

Hoda says...

You decided to work in the same middle to low level job for 10, 20 years and didn’t invest in yourself and none of that is your fault?

Hoda says...

Then when they driving round with no insurance they’ll say this govt got the police harassing u

Hoda says...

It’s your right to your opinion. It’s your right to vote for whom you like. I hope they make all your dreams, hopes, desires come true. I really do. I hope they don’t disappoint you. If you don’t feel like covid and Dorian effected the country’s resources that’s your opinion. When they call an election if there’s a change in govt I’m sure everything will revert to normal. We’ll be singing and dancing for tourist in no time. The rum gin can’t done. No more lockdowns baby. Shop til you drop. Prosperity, wealth. Whew baby. Taxi plate for everyone. The savings account will have all kinda zeros. Luckily for me, the quality of my life doesn’t depend on who is in government. So I guess I don’t hate them enough yet.

On North Abaco MP: I did my best

Posted 13 February 2021, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

When the independent candidate doesn’t make y’all rich in five years y’all will be running about their incompetency again. But, I hope it works out!

On North Abaco MP: I did my best

Posted 13 February 2021, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

You are the Oracle of democracy and progress but everyone who disagrees with you is a plebe and a follower. Get a life!

On North Abaco MP: I did my best

Posted 13 February 2021, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Sigh, I guess we all can’t be trailblazers like you! Lol, no I’m not weak minded enough to give two licks of puppy shit what you think - or anyone thinks. Go vote for your independent candidate, no one cares. Go vote for the dna, no one cares. It’s seems only human interaction u get is from commenting online anonymously and trying to demean strangers. I don’t care what u think.

On North Abaco MP: I did my best

Posted 13 February 2021, 10:36 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Mine’s is if Dorian and covid didn’t happen things would be different. Unfortunately, we are going to blame everyone - ie, the govt, the mp, the politician- and hold them responsible for why our life isn’t what we want. If all they wanted was to be re-elected I would think they would give u everything unless the money isn’t there. I remember listening to the radio after the storm and ppl calling in about how I know a man who donate millions after. Really? Just cause a white man tell you he donate money doesn’t mean it’s true. Why all these ppl who allegedly donate money don’t have a wire transfer record, receipt, screenshot, why they ain’t already gone to the news. . I believe our islands and it’s inhabitants were happy with the unstable and bloated salaries that tourism brought for unskilled labor. Now the crap has hit the fan and we now we ready to hinge on to the fairytale that everyone gonna get $100,000 or whatever from aragonite. The government made mistakes no doubt about it. I think they need to get rid of some of these cabinet members and MPs. However, I am not voting for the PLP led by Davis and Mitchell. I am not voting for these third parties and their representatives on tv and radio speaking bad and broken English.

Bahamians don’t want sensible candidates who can actually achieve big things. They want these ppl who only could give out grocery and school supplies - that’s competency to y’all. I mean my god, if Lewis get on the news one more time talking about his community garden I’ll scream.

On North Abaco MP: I did my best

Posted 13 February 2021, 6:28 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Water was in the airport. It really doesn’t matter but I guess everyone else lying or incorrect.

On Law needs to alter for GB airport deal

Posted 12 February 2021, 5:54 p.m. Suggest removal