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Honestman says...

Joe Biden's victory is a good day for America and for the world. Trump will go down as the worst President in American history. He surrounded himself with sycophants, befriended tyrants, offended traditional allies, pulled out of climate agreements and trashed America's reputation as a world leader. Worst of all, through his negligence, he allowed hundreds of thousands of Americans to die of COVID. He should not be forgiven for that. The American people have spoken loud and clear: the character of the President matters. Joe Biden, however, is left with one huge mess to try and fix. Let's hope he succeeds - it is very much in Bahamas' interests that he does.

Honestman says...

Government is leaving us at the mercy of COVID. Everyone must take personal responsibility for their health and the health of their family and friends. No one has your back - the hospitals will likely be unable to cope. The road to freedom is going to be long and uncertain and, sadly, many will not reach the destination.

On COVID testing: '11th hour' u-turn blasted

Posted 2 November 2020, 8:23 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Government has clearly decided that The Bahamas is going to have to live with COVID and we are going to have to live with that decision. The one thing that no one is going to accept is hundreds of seriously ill COVID patients being turned away from our hospitals because there are no beds or medical professionals available to treat them. From all accounts we are already approaching this nightmare scenario. Everyone now needs to take personal responsibility for their own health and the health of their family and friends. We are at the start of a long road to freedom and sadly many will not reach the destination.

Honestman says...

Sean Connery WAS James Bond. Those who followed were pale imitations. So sad to hear of the passing of one of the truly great actors.

On Sir Sean Connery dies age 90

Posted 31 October 2020, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Let's face it, the whole world has been "caught with its pants down" on COVID. That's not to excuse government's poor management of the crisis here in The Bahamas. We could and should have done better.

Honestman says...

What has happened to the Dashboard?

On 36 new cases and four deaths

Posted 27 October 2020, 8:47 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Totally agree with this article. The quote that stands out is "desperation lays waste to measured thinking". This is exactly where government is this morning. How in God's earth can we be ready to open up our economy with all major hotels closed, infection rates uncontrolled and our hospitals overwhelmed? The 1st July opening was indeed a disaster, a mistake that the PM and the FNM will likely pay dearly for. The government doesn't seem to have a plan to lead us out of this crisis. It looks like it's a case of "let's just open up and hope for the best". Meanwhile the DPM is reportedly considering reducing unemployment benefit to $75 per week whilst civil servants remain on full pay. This is wholly unjust.

Honestman says...

"Studies suggest the tests – which Mr D’Aguilar said cost between $10 to $15 per unit – are accurate when diagnosing symptomatic patients."

Studies also show that COVID infected persons are most contagious in the days BEFORE symptoms become apparent!!!!

Honestman says...

I hate to say it John but I think you are being way too optimistic in thinking we will be anywhere back to normal in six months.

On BPL pulls plug on 8,700 late payers

Posted 23 October 2020, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

A 20% positivity rate on tests taken is way too high and shows we are no where near having the virus under control.