Comment history

TruthHurts says...

WOW! Speechless!!

On Baha Mar cancels August bookings

Posted 5 May 2015, 7:30 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...


TruthHurts says...

I like Rollins.. but I don't like the company he keeps (PLP)! If and whenever he goes independent I will be sure to vote for him. Not before!

There are hardworking individuals in all prospective parties.. but as long as they roll with the usual suspects; they wont be getting my vote.

TruthHurts says...

Good Point!

TruthHurts says...

Cause If they don't throw him a bone once in a while, he'll whine about that as well! He clearly doesn't understand the public's annoyance with him already!!!

i would vote DNA just to show FNM & PLP what the deal is.. but I need a leader! Here's to hoping that he can get a grip on himself and get a real perspective on the needs and wants of the people he's looking to serve one day. Because right now he comes across as just another 'Junior Achiever' mimicking and spouting the same rhetoric as his predecessors. It's nothing personal when I speak about him, because I'm sure he is a nice person. However, steering this ship we call The Bahamas out of the pit it's currently in is not an easy feat. We need to see Branville on the ground working, cutting through all the BS to seek a solutions to current problems. No getting caught up in the pointing fingers. They say proof is in the pudding!

TruthHurts says...

I understand what you saying SP.. but even Stevie Wonder can see through the 'Bran-Facade', as I will affectionately call him hence forth. He aint ready at all. But I will say this.. I am open to looking closely at candidates in his party. But he, himself is not someone I would want in the Boss chair!

TruthHurts says...

"Branville doesn't seem to be so concerned with his own neighbors health and the health of the constituencies that are affected daily for years by the continuous gases being emitted by our dump."

My point exactly.. a true Opportunist at it's finest! This another dred who aint getting my vote! NEXT!!!

TruthHurts says...

"I was wondering where Bran was."

I was wondering myself! Thought he may have taken that much needed vacation, but alas!!! It looks to me like the Rubis conundrum is 'prime real estate', ammo for them to once again bash each other and not come up with solutions to problems. Oh well.. here's to hoping the folks in that area can get justice amid the mudslinging that is sure to ensue and overshadow their concerns for immediate action.

TruthHurts says...

I Know right?! SMT

On Govt ‘paralysed by violent crime’

Posted 3 May 2015, 8:30 a.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

"All good. If you need some light on the weekend, jest dig up some ground at the old Cable Bahamas place, put it in an old coffee can, and light the dirt. It will burn for hours casting a bright light."


Banker you are sure on it!! Laughed so much my stomach still hurting me! ; )