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Twocent says...

I contend with the statement, “We’ve (understood) that (lockdowns) has devastated our economy,” Dr Darville said.
It’s impossible to turn the clocks back, and I acknowledge that I don’t know what I don’t know, however, we do know the following….
One seriously prescribed lockdown, though issued too late, did render our nation covid free by May/June of 2020. This in itself did not devastate our economy. We survived that. If Bahamians had been allowed and encouraged to open their businesses, start new businesses, support Bahamian businesses and create a domestic economy, before opening our covid-free bubble to other covid-free bubbles, we could have faired better than we did. The truth is that opening our borders to infected nations under the false illusion that a devastated tourist business would save the economy, and against the sage advice of some persons in health, was disastrous as it was that which led to a series of lockdowns, curfews, and public health measures the full and diverse toll of which we have yet to fully appreciate! The consequence of this faulty thinking has all those issues yet to reveal their own devastation!!!

Twocent says...

And the title likely came from Shakespeare’s Tempest in which Miranda, unbeknown, sees the people who snatched her father’s throne and says, “How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, that has such people in it”.
And her father replies, “Tis new to thee”!

No joke about the dystopian society reference tho. Paraphrase this with the whole Covid thing and national debt and what could we get…..
A World State, whose citizens have been genetically engineered into a social hierarchy, where huge scientific advancements in reproductive technology are used for population control, where the media propaganda is nothing but psychological manipulation and classical conditioning, that are combined to make a dystopian and double-thinking society.
Let’s see if the new PM is brave enough to make sure things like the Constitution, Geneva Convention, Nuremberg Code etc are not trampled over and we go backwards in the name of progress, and become modern slaves in the name of freedom!

Twocent says...…

Antibody Dependent Enhancement is still never mentioned! WHY ?
No mention of whether the cases are vaccinated or unvaccinated. WHY?
Obesity isn’t the only health risk in this pandemic, either as a co-morbidities, risk factors, or other factors related to public health measures. WHY?
When we look at all the morbidities and mortalities over the last 18months and try to understand the health consequences of the future surely we have much more to discuss than just hearing scare tactics to satisfy the financial supporters of a health organization which in turn supports the profits! Why would even asking these questions and trying to make sense of the crazy be a bad thing?

On 118 additional COVID-19 cases

Posted 5 September 2021, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Twocent says...

“Delta variant”….I guess they had to name it something, right?

Twocent says...

Bahamas…one good lockdown…COVID free!
New Zealand…COVID free!
Out islands…vaccines…spike!
Vaccinated persons…travel to FL…return Nassau…COVID!
Vaccinated persons…go to the office…boss lady got covid…days later…sick with…?
You understand!
Tell me again that vaccines are going to stop this thing, let us all travel, and regain our freedom….LOL
This ain’t about a disease…there is no sensible, rational, public health advice…this is about changes to create the “new normal” where liberty is a dirty word.

Twocent says...

Secret ballot voting is not rocket science, even for people sick at home and the officially quarantined. But secret ballots allow for freedom of speech and democracy…too scary for the new normal ? ;s

Twocent says...

MINNIS vs DAVIS? What this is…a boxing match? Is it bi-Parisian politics where they hand the portfolio back and forth to uphold the illusion of democracy?
Isn’t it about time to invite all prospective leaders to the debate like the rational, intelligent men or women they are supposed to be?
Transparency, accountability, responsibility…who will set the first example and call for a proper debate on these vital components to being our leader?

Twocent says...

It’s not safe to campaign…..but it was “safe” to send out the census people? lol

On Caution over election campaigning

Posted 26 August 2021, 6:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Twocent says...

WHY hold an election while those “numbers” are at their worst? And if there are huge numbers of people dying and in hospital how many more are at home unable to afford the testing, and too scared to end up in hospital dead. Who will vote? The vaccinated? You mean those people who were told they are the lucky ones not needing to wear a mask, yet are coming home from trip to FL with COVID and giving it to all the co-workers in the office? LOL
Stupid is as stupid does!

On Caution over election campaigning

Posted 26 August 2021, 6:17 p.m. Suggest removal