Comment history

bahamianson says...

It is the stupidest thing said for the day. Charging people for wells. What is next, tax for pets? Tax for colourful paint? Tax for amount of cars? Good grief. Firw the moron whom mention that. Quickly!!!

bahamianson says...

Single women are faire game to traffic cops, customs officers, policemen, defense force men and wherwever they need a favor. It is currency that is like gold, and they know it.

bahamianson says...

Overcrowded because girls are having 6 children beforw the age of 25. The people of the bahamas then have to feed all of them and buy school uniforms for irresponsible girls with lose morals. We need sex and financial education in primary schools

On CV Bethel ‘overcrowded and rat-infested’

Posted 23 September 2024, 9:56 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

I say , go to the place that is not heaven. This has to STOP! We do not get any comparable good service in this country, yet , we pay 10 times the cost. WSC cannot keep the water on consisyently , but want to tax people with wells? Bpl cannot keep the electrocity on consisyently, but want to tax people with generatora? What hogwash is this? It is the government of the bahamas responsibiñity to provide water, safety and eñectricity . If it cannot do that, they all need to resign. How can you charge someone else for your failure.

On WSC asks to put up water prices

Posted 23 September 2024, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Srop talking foolishness!!!!! You so not believe in campaign finance laws , but you believe that countries should send billions to politicians , so they can have more sweethearts, more friends and family connection. The bahamian people will never feel the effects of that money. Politicians will just have more money to waste. Get our finances in order before you ask for billions. This is disgusting.

bahamianson says...

Former tourism minister, former. Who carea, move own.

On D’Aguilar: Push Atlantis to open more rooms

Posted 20 September 2024, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

You m3an like a Donald Trump.

On PM: ‘Public cost’ for campaign financing

Posted 20 September 2024, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Arent we all , and what isnt taxed is stolen. This country needa to start from scratch . The corruption, immorality, and the like are a st3nch in the air.

bahamianson says...

Yes, politicians are disgusting , and they keep playing games. Use your own finance to get voted in. It will level the playing field and stump out corruption . People go in worth 75,000 and come out worth 5,000,000. We , the people, suffer with expensive everything wiñl these clowns get the kings service.

On PM: ‘Public cost’ for campaign financing

Posted 20 September 2024, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Rhis is comical. Money, money money. Toull need to sell your bodies, the oldest profession. Tou , then the teachers, ets, nurses, doctors, bpl, water and sewerage , then police, defense force, prison officers, immigrarion, customs , then we start all over. This place loves money.