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bahamianson says...

What a foolish workshop. Like the article mentioned, we do nothing with radioactive or nuclear substances. You go from that to taking xrays? What was the point of the nuclear or radioactive deal? 18 wheelers are driving up and down i95 with stuff. The usa is bored, hey?

bahamianson says...

Why we wastimg money. Send them to florida or texas, border op3n. Not our problem

On Sixteen Cubans and one Zimbabwean repatriated

Posted 29 August 2024, 10:59 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Downright childish. This is a total distraction from the plp and the fnm. The point is not whom are the donors. What the p or the fnm should do is outline the do's and don't's or financing campaigns. This is the time for the plp to make corruption laws regarding financing of olitical partys. No one can accept more than 500 dollars from any individual or group. Otherwise , face jail time. Both l3aders want those millions from one or two people whom they will control.

bahamianson says...

The fbi joined the probe. What does that mean? He whom controls the media controls the minds. It would lead one to beli3ve rhat the fbi is assistimg and helping us to solve the case. Someone said the guy was shot in the stat3s. Are they here to solve their own case or are they here to help us with ours?

On FBI joins police’s voice note probe

Posted 29 August 2024, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Well, to stop everything. Let the present government make laws in one week that pertain to this, and we will be done with this forever. Law: no individual or group collectivly can accept donations that exceed $500 . If you are found to have recieved donations more rhan $500 , you will have to serve time in jail. Done deal. This is the time for the FNM to push the present government until election , to make the law, now. If the government doe not make the law, it is clearly pandering, just like the last government. The lot of you, plp and fnm get rich and take us for granted. Then, we make you a legend for screwing us. You family gets the royal treatment and yoy get an exp3nsive , elaborate funeral.

On Pintard: GBPA fund claim is nonsense

Posted 28 August 2024, 9:20 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Well said!!!!

bahamianson says...

Need a manual for bus drivers and car drivers, aslo. Need a code of conduct for preist , pastors, policemen and women, teachers whom sleep with students, politicians whim look out for themselves, family , friends and lovers , and the beat goes on. We all need to go to the priests and pastors to hear the good word.

bahamianson says...

So , one unemployed ,28 year old, single mother should have her five children fed by the people when other femal3s chose not to have childrwn for different , reckless, lousy men because they have realized that it isnt worth it to open your legs for clowns? This is a recipe for failure. The system needs to teach children the consequences of life decisions. Our schools are not doing a good job of this, clearly. We need to teach the girls to keep their legs closed because the young men are hopeless.

bahamianson says...

Bahamians will be late for their own funeral. Youll ein gon yet? Muddos, the kenyans or nigerians all over the news and toull still cleaning conch.

bahamianson says...

News alert, outages expected everyday of the year. How about that.