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bogart says...

Seems the naive Bahamas experts of the laissez faire free market businesses still have have to realize that the Communist Party makes decisions based on party political advantage decisions from all around the other side of the planet for and what they decide for the Communist Party in furtherance for world domination.

What the Bahamian decision makers experts ought to do is to let the Communists run regimes have their hands on their own personal family jewels fiddle running their fingers their own family jewels, and not messing with that of the Bahamas nation's own tourism golden goose.

bogart says...

Dr. Sands fully knows the medical staff is overworked and hospital works increasing so he needs to find ways to relieve the stresses on the staff. He ought to know that staff are parents and persons still have to go home and buy groceries, time for laundry, time for families. What he obviously knows is that he can bring relief in areas of staff work like more protective gear as some have to obtain it from outside the hospital, bring relief to free obtainable staff meals, healthy juices, for staffing, Dr. Sands should know that it becomes more difficult to continue at the accerelated pace and relief and measures created to protect all.

On Sands fears for staff as cases spike

Posted 19 July 2021, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

China's rise has not been peaceful. Over the period there have been documented of the tens of millions of its own Chinese citizens who have been slaughtered, tortured, massacared, carnage under Mao Zedong and the Communists. Peaceful is far from truth of done already world wide known of the massacres of tens of millions of own citizens people under Mao Zedong and the Communists.
Ze letter writer needs to get out to view a non censored TV and be looking at the Cuba communists failed country whichinin China Communists supports, seeing TV of Cuba Communists currently days now brutally beating, kicking down not peacefully its citizens in the streets.

On China’s rise is peaceful and unstoppable

Posted 17 July 2021, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

Full transparent disclosures should be as disclosed in daily newspapers govt ads wid photo and details for public to view and comment back to the Minister any information they know an currently wrong.
Public can comment on whether the claimant/child/adult, if whether the claimant was claiming the incorrect identical twin same dna as father. Fathers admitting paternity must be verified whether is true and had accepting bribe to do so.There must be a thorough fraud proof process for any lawful applied procedure. And in the process will likely exppose and document the wutless done married fathers, seems pillars of christian based society, of now lawfully exposed illegimate offspring by dere housekeepers, maids, cooks etc.Seems the temporary workers employed by da wealthy who canna employ them seems more vulnerable than others in established communities, to be in this category. There must be deserving of the public to have a transparent without fraud process.

On Govt olive branch on citizenship cases

Posted 15 July 2021, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

Good points dwanderer on Cruise ships passengers spending observations.

These Cruise ships businesses is to make optimum profits as do businesses. These Cruise ships have the experts do the planning and designing of the layouts of every space and time and motion studies of each passenger in all quarters. Kids have the best facilities playrooms, adults have best facilities entertainment, mix of restaurants, shopping etc. Other businesses do the same designing and planning from casinos wid colours no clocks etc, supermarkets wid perishables produce on aisles on right, taking paths to first sell perishables and other strategic placements of products to maximize sales an up to candy eye level by cashiers for kids. Businesses have plans and design to operate.

The full knowledge of decades old continued failure by the salaried experts govt tourism authorities, of the cruise ships passengers not coming off da ships will continue unless there are major attractions to attract the passengers off the ships.

bogart says...

Indeed, tribanon and quite unsettling she ought to know basics Bahamas so intertwined with the US. Bahamas having democracy that bodes well and does not mesh with the Communists. China wid all the killings and persecutions, genocide of Uyghurs, killing of Indians soldiers on territory, illegally invasive into Philippines waters parking 200 ships on Philipines coral reefs, world watchingHong Kong build up and now seeing communist China hosing attacking crowds people them down in streets, provative invasions of their airforce jets Taiwan is knownn worldwide. The talks is unsettling on dis small island... in light of worldwide China actions and our many working guests like Philippines medical workers caring Bahamians, many Indian professionals workers, many Hong Kongers etc who fled to open numerous restaurants and many citizens who fled evil communists to embrace Bahamas. Thank goodness for worldwide news in Bahamas to learning tru tru to decide.

On Ambassador hopes China links will grow

Posted 7 July 2021, 8:09 p.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

Thank you you to Mr. Philip Smith, workers, doners and team of Bahamas Feeding Network. Nation's highest honour should be awarded to the Bahamas Feeding Network and day of appreciation. Exceptional works bringing relief to so many.

On Smith: Keep food aid going

Posted 5 July 2021, 7:55 p.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

...second last para shuuld be ....The age of the applicant and govt criteria age should be ultimately decided and left to the criteria of the free market competition licensed Lending Institutions, regulated by Central Bank of the Bahamas for a successfull situation. Govt may guide the Lending Institutions on questionable age of applicant but not engage/direct free enterprise Lending institions to participate on age discrimination of applicants in national program..

bogart says...

Discrimination against professionals over 45 years old. Seems the chosen 45 years is the very common 20 year mortgage, applicant at max 45 years old starting for 20 year term mortgage ending at govt age 65 year, common retirement and for those who are employed by others ie govt, companies where they get monthly salaries. Self Employed persons generally do not
follow scheduled retirement at age 65 years old.

The govt program age factor, seems excludes over 45 years olds the economy mainstay of Self Employed Professionals ie Beauticians, Chartered Accountants, Carpenters, Plumbers, Barbers etc who generally keep on working after the govt. age 65 requirement years.

The age of the applicant and criteria age should ultimately left to the criteria of the free market competition licenced regulated by Central Bank of Lending Institutions an nofor successful situation.

Another factor of concern is the evaluation of persons with disabilities who have the difficulties of obtaining life insurances as requirement policy to Lending banks.

bogart says...

Hmmmmm.....beef up security....more patrols.....??? What seems to be the commonsense from beginning would have been to brought the CID arm to be meeting residents, and questioning people clues, leads etc to go to the causes and sources of these acts to bring it to the end.