Comment history

henny says...

If Dr. Minnis's comments were expunged why should he have to withdraw the comments made? He is not above the law but he does have a right to his opinion. With all the other foolishness going on within the parties this should not have happened having the police involved. When will the government leaders start acting like adults and stop acting as if they are in grade school?? Dr. Minnis.....Continue to speak up for your rights.


Posted 8 August 2013, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Such a sad story. You think you are going on vacation to have a beautiful time and then turn up being victimized by thugs who don't have any regard for human life.

henny says...

Whomever the man was that was with her most likely put her up to it. She at 13 yrs needs a reality check soon.

henny says...

Sometime ago I was robbed of jewelry and laptop while away from home. I was told I could go to the police station anytime to see if I could identify any of my stolen items. I went 3 times and each time I was told no one was there to assist me and I should come back at another time. Two of the times I called beforehand and was assured someone would be there. It was a big waste of my time and I finally gave up. It was very frustrating.

henny says...

I never understood how you allowed those who committed violent crimes to be released and fitted with electronic bracelets. They have no respect for the law so what do you expect otherwise? If there was clear evidence there were fundamental flaws why would you accept them in the first place?

On Bell doubts renewal of ICS contract

Posted 31 July 2013, 11:50 a.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

@ IloveBahamas and Josie.....I agree 100%. Some people just look for a free ride and won't pay their bills no matter what and then complain when they get penalized. Why wait until you are ordered to close down to say why couldn't the police wait until the weekend was over so you could make your money. You had no intentions of paying so what's the difference? It's obvious if you make "thousands" of dollars on the weekend you could have and should have paid for your renewals.

henny says...

Between the water and electricity going off all the time I am happy I left after spending 3 yrs there.

On Interruption to water services announced

Posted 4 July 2013, 12:31 a.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Crabman.....The Lord has not forsaken you. He gives everyone choices. It's up to us to make the right ones.

On Landmark statue ‘sold for scrap’

Posted 28 June 2013, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

That's the Bahamas for you!! the officers should be suspended without pay for his/her stupidity. Must have been handcuffed in front.

henny says...

I agree wholeheartedly with all of the above comments. Let this be a lesson to those who caused the cancelation of events.