Comment history

henny says...

It's about time for the closed circuit cameras not only for the protection of those in police custody but also those in police uniform. Far too many brought in for questioning accusing police of beatings and doing other atrocious things to get confessions, some legitimate and some made up.

henny says...

It is too bad innocent students have to suffer and pay for the actions of students involved in the pranks. Those involved should be penalized and dealt with. They are the ones who shouldn't get the money back.Parents wanting to sue should rethink and approach it in a more diplomatic way by sitting down at the table to discuss it with school officials. Parents should disipline theose involved. Maybe this will be a lesson to all.

On Parents to sue over cancelled graduation

Posted 19 June 2013, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Bradley Roberts is a jerk. Thank God it was not him and if it were and he did the same thing as Dr. Rollins he too would have deserved to be slapped. The way he references the age difference is an ignorant statement. All young men should respect their elders and when it comes to woman, should not put his hands where they aren't wanted.

henny says...

In the US ankle bracelets are monitored in the way Dr. Nottage states above. Those wearing them are reqired to report to police department on a regular basis and are usually restricted as to where they can and cannot go. Usually they would have to be in their home by a certain time say 9pm-7am. If they are monitored as being somewhere they are restricted it would be known to authorities. If they have a job they can go to work. In the Bahamas ankle bracelets are used but are not being properly monitored as intended. Therefore, it is a waste of money. That is why you have so much crime being done by them and those murdered while wearing the bracelets most likely were out somewhere where they shouldn't have been if properly monitored. Makes me wonder was there ever training on usage or were the bracelets just ordered and put on those they felt needed it.

On Government concern over ankle bracelets

Posted 13 June 2013, 7:40 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Whether she is right or wrong in slapping him putting your hands on a female is cause to be subjected to sexual harrassment charges if continued. He was right to walk away. He had no choice. He knows he was wrong. All of you need to grow up and stop acting like fools.

On FNM deputy slaps PLP MP in House

Posted 12 June 2013, 7:33 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

What do you have to say now AG Maynard Gibson??? No excuses please.

henny says...

Everyone is sorry after getting caught. Suppose you weren't caught, how many more times would you have robbed hard working people who earned their pay? Learn from your mistakes but this type of crime should never have occurred. So do your time.

henny says...

End ALL discrimination except........? i thought ignorant remarks like that only came out of PLP leader Perry Christie. Regardless if you have no reported cases you need to cover all aspects. Otherwise, when you do get a few you will be looking at each other with egg on your faces saying "It's not on the books" Then you will start to think about it and then it will take forever to come up with a solution.

henny says...

So how will you justify police being shot because they have no weapon to fire back? If police are fired upon they are justified in shooting back to keep from being shot or killed.

henny says...

I agree wholehartedly with the Commissioner. I can understand his and the RBPF's dissatisfaction after going out of their way to arrest these people only to have them released to the streets to commit the same crime plus possibly others.

As for the editor.......We all should know by now the articles are not proofread!! Talk about the education system!!!