Comment history

hj says...

Way too much slackness is correct. I know of at least 3 families who,as soon as the borders opened,rushed to Florida for shopping. But then again with D- average population what do you expect?

hj says...

Spot on Porcupine. I guess the writer of the editorial has not realized that the B$ is worthless once you leave this country.. You don't believe me? Try to buy anything anywhere in the world with B$ and see what you will get. Although i understand there are couple of flea markets in Florida that used to accept B$. So unless your plan is to supply a whole country with the goods supplied in a flea market your plan is BS.

hj says...

Keeping the borders closed indefinitely will not solve our problems. No country in the world can survive like this,unless of course North Korea is your ideal society. The Bahamas at this moment does not produce anything,so unless you have US dollars,Euros or any other hard currency, you can not import even food,not to mention gas to put into your car or keep the electricity running. It is nice not to be dependent in only one industry,so if you have any ideas on how to develop other industries i suppose you are free to open any business you may choose.

hj says...

Covid19 will be around for sometime whether we like it or not. The government had 3 months or maybe more to develop a plan for dealing with it. If their plan is to keep the country closed or close it every time there is an issue,then they are even dumber than I thought. For any other industries to develop, if they develop it will take years,so tourism is what we have at the moment,whether we like foreigners or not. So gentlemen if you want to keep the county closed to ahead. You have all the time you want.

hj says...

The union fools need to grow up. Many people lost their jobs and they complain they didn't get a raise?.They were among the few ones that were getting paid "working from home" . Their jobs seem to be secure for life,not to mention that for a lot of them their only qualification is voting for the "right" party.

hj says...

I am afraid,and hopefully I will be proven wrong,that the government will have a hard time collecting these loans back. Unfortunately many Bahamians feel entitled not to pay loans received from the government. When will people realise that the government can not solve everyone's problems. The worst part is that if these loans are not being paid back ,we the taxpayers will pay the bill,as usual.

hj says...

It is sad when supposedly educated persons make fools of themselves just to try to score some cheap political points. If we are in financial trouble now is because for almost 50 years politicians did an excellent job in mismanaging the country's finances. And really the PLP should be the last to give financial advise to anyone,unless of course the advise is how to enrich yourself at the expense of the public.

On PLP slams 2020/21 Budget

Posted 28 May 2020, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

hj says...

Salaries of the politicians do not create billion dollar deficits. It is the mismanagement of the country's finances that got us there. My point is they don't even make a symbolic gesture that show that they are too into this difficult times. Not only this but they mention that will not have free breakfast and lunch in the HOA,like this is some kind of big deal. Many leaders around the world took a pay cut around this time, not that it will save their economies,but at least shows something.

hj says...

And yet despite the massive debt,none of the parliamentarians of both pollitical sides had the decency to get a paycut to their salaries and perks. However,they made a point of mentioning that they will not have breakfast and lunch at the HOA at the taxpayer's expense.With such drastic cost measures,the economic outlook of the country looks bright indeed.

hj says...

While unemployment hits 50% union leaders complain because they won't get a raise. They should be thankful because they are dealing with spineless politicians that won't even reduce their salaries or sent them home.

On Govt plans civil service 'freeze'

Posted 27 May 2020, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal