Comment history

hrysippus says...

So Mandealer, what exactly is your problem with that? You do not like anyone even a little different from you be, aye?

hrysippus says...

A small but necessary step towards building a more inclusive and less hate filled society.

hrysippus says...

The Health care fund is an open book.
Containing figure no one has cook.
Doubters all come take a look.
Nothing here no crony took.
Now swallow sinker, line, and hook.

hrysippus says...

This inequality may be part of the reason why my three daughters no longer live and work in The Bahamas despite them having 7 degree, including a PhD Chemistry and Law degrees, between them. Our country's loss, mine as well.

On US: Bahamas not equal for women

Posted 23 April 2024, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

Not only is Marijuana is a gateway drug and we must recognize this., but also coffee, tea, and chocolate. All of these should be criminalized and only available on prescription from a doctor. I am always surprised that some people still believe the misinformation put out my the US government in the 1960's when they wanted to send the young men off to the war in Vietnam rather than learn to think for themselves and explore their personal reality. sigh.

hrysippus says...

My sartorial piece of doggerel comment got deleted. This is probably a good thing, might have kept me out of court for libel Shame though, I was a lil bit pleased wit that one.

On Bowleg hits back on audit findings

Posted 19 April 2024, 9:04 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

A simply marvelous piece of writing. Enoch Powell was exceedingly clever for a politician, I have long enjoyed the cited quote.

On Restraint in politics and in government

Posted 19 April 2024, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

The Fiscal failures at the Carifta Games,
Has plenty big figures but very few names.
Who exactly got them lovely discount cars?
Was it someone’s brother, or maybe someone’s Ma’s?
Was it favours done for kisses , or for a job well done?
Or Corruption as is usual when these races run?

hrysippus says...

he Collection of Irrelevance,
Founded to help one man advance.
Grandiose claims and bigger boasts.
But failed to get to even a score of votes.
The leader quit in defeat and shame,
Failing three time in the politics game.
Leaving supporters behind in the wilderness,
No cookies for those who created this mess.
Best to quit while you’re behind,
It’ll save lots of stress, you’re sure to find.

On Maria Daxon replaced as COI deputy leader

Posted 17 April 2024, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

The PoPo looking for Mr. Lockhart,
Can anyone tell them where to start?
Hidden under a bench in the high court?
Choice judgment might be worth a thought.
Don’t neglect to check his Chamber of Law,
And as a last resort; the liquor store.