Comment history

hrysippus says...

Marriage is a social construct that has evolved to help two slpha predators to live together without inflicting major harm on esch other long enough to successfully raise children. The truth is that most marriages in western democracies either end in divorce or a compromise of two people living unhapplily together. A legal document setting out responsibilties, obligations, expectations,and duration of the contract, might well be a huge improvement over what is now available. BTW I have been in a relationship with the same partner for over half a century, and so I know that of which I write.

hrysippus says...

Umm,OK, but hey,.how much that legal advice gonna cost you? Pay peanuts, get monkeys....jus sayin'......

hrysippus says...

Tal: you rock.

hrysippus says...

$75,000 per year plus an additional $215,000 per year, if you happen to be the widow of a deceased prime minister.....sigh. I wonder why this country got fiscal problems...?/?

hrysippus says...

The most onerous work that a Bahamian Governor General has to perform is lifting a teacup, and all for just $75,000 of our taxpayers money for the rest of your life. Sigh.....

hrysippus says...

Pastors are in the business of entertaining their followers in order to get their money. The more publicity that a pastor can get, the more followers he or she will garner, and thus the higher their income. A clever pastor knows just how to get the most free publicity by strategic commenting on controversial social issues, particularly those issues that the founder of their particular sect never addressed.

On A plea for understanding and change

Posted 1 September 2023, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

Humans have been consuming alcohol for thousands of years.Jesus is famed for creating alcoholic wine from water at Canae. Excess consumption of alcohol causes myriad problems, I think most people know and accept this as fact. Now let us consider another popular drug prevalent in this country; refined white sugar. White sugar has only been consumed by humans for a few hundred years yet it has caused more death and disease than any other drug but we ignore that and buy hundreds of pounds every year and feed that to our children. Think about that, Kevin, if you are able.

hrysippus says...

IMO this whole issue is only being raised by various professional politicians to distract the electorate from the dire financial straits that the country is fast approaching. And who cares what an unelected junior politician thinks anyway?

hrysippus says...

I jus wanna know if that other man got a reply to the letter that he claimed he was gonna send to the King to complain. He gone quiet.

hrysippus says...

Perhaps a "work to rule" may be an improvement over the employees customary unruly work, as previously reported; partying on the job.