It is just plain wrong that financially secure old men have the power to change laws which only affect young vunerable women and their reproductive choices.. The church should stay out of this and just keep collecting their followers' tithes.
A cashless.society will be great. No more armed robbers at the ATM's. No more purses and hadbags getting stolen more cash government employees and record og the corript earnings of politicians.
BTC was a disaster always, only the post office workers were worse. No property sale can be completed unless and until all outstanding property tax is paid. How do people not know this?
BiStrachan comment is as inaccurate as usual. Pindling's Immovable Properties Act was a disaster that killed most all Out Island development. The whole Bahamian economy suffered horribly in the 1980's; when PM Ingraham repealed the gregarious piece of legislation then the economy took off and everyone benefitted.
So the tourists pay this taxi driver $540 dollars to drive them around for a day and then he refuse to wait some minutes past the 3pm pick up time at Junkanoo beach. OK, That's just how most people act unfortunately, and most see nothing wrong with their actions either. Sadly no surprises here.
"Most real estate companies share their commissions 50/50 [with staff], so straight right off the bat your profit margin is at 50 percent." Real estate agents do not get salaries usually, they only get commission on sales. The commission is their salary. Commissions, like salaries, come out of gross profits. I do not think this particular argument will get off the ground. Although the government taxes on real estate transactions are indeed exorbitant.
hrysippus says...
Perhaps a "work to rule" may be an improvement over the employees customary unruly work, as previously reported; partying on the job.
On BPL staff on work to rule as issues unresolved
Posted 28 August 2023, 4:30 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
It is just plain wrong that financially secure old men have the power to change laws which only affect young vunerable women and their reproductive choices.. The church should stay out of this and just keep collecting their followers' tithes.
On PM: ABORTION IS PERSONAL CHOICE – In the case of rape it’s a ‘medical matter’ Davis ‘would have to consider’
Posted 23 August 2023, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
The PLP goon squad rides again. A particularly nasty part of party politics. Lewis Yard anyone?
On PLP supporters disrupt candidate’s announcement
Posted 23 August 2023, 4:12 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
A cashless.society will be great. No more armed robbers at the ATM's. No more purses and hadbags getting stolen more cash government employees and record og the corript earnings of politicians.
On Mitchell critical of 'relentless march' to a cashless society
Posted 19 August 2023, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
BTC was a disaster always, only the post office workers were worse. No property sale can be completed unless and until all outstanding property tax is paid. How do people not know this?
On Concern on foreign property tax crackdown messaging
Posted 18 August 2023, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
BiStrachan comment is as inaccurate as usual. Pindling's Immovable Properties Act was a disaster that killed most all Out Island development. The whole Bahamian economy suffered horribly in the 1980's; when PM Ingraham repealed the gregarious piece of legislation then the economy took off and everyone benefitted.
On Concern on foreign property tax crackdown messaging
Posted 18 August 2023, 6:17 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
The right wing religious leaders have been uncharacteristically quiet on this situation.
On RAPED CHILD’S ABORTION: ‘POLICE SHOULD INVESTIGATE’ – Munroe says case should consider both assault and 11-year-old’s procedure
Posted 18 August 2023, 6:01 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
So the tourists pay this taxi driver $540 dollars to drive them around for a day and then he refuse to wait some minutes past the 3pm pick up time at Junkanoo beach. OK, That's just how most people act unfortunately, and most see nothing wrong with their actions either. Sadly no surprises here.
On Visitors say taxi driver defrauded their group
Posted 16 August 2023, 9:44 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
My goodness but this letter writer is very judgmental OL.
On Rampant promiscuity in our land
Posted 16 August 2023, 7:10 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
"Most real estate companies share their commissions 50/50 [with staff], so straight right off the bat your profit margin is at 50 percent." Real estate agents do not get salaries usually, they only get commission on sales. The commission is their salary. Commissions, like salaries, come out of gross profits. I do not think this particular argument will get off the ground. Although the government taxes on real estate transactions are indeed exorbitant.
On ‘Don’t price ourselves out’ on corporate income tax
Posted 16 August 2023, 6:52 a.m. Suggest removal