Good luck to those who purchase a short term bond paying 2o%. Such a very high interest rate . s eems a bit desperate to me. I will not take advantage of this offer. ll
Loftus stood out from the Pindling cabinet because he displayed a high degree of integrity, something rarely seen in his cabinet colleagues. One of the rare ones who refused all attempts to bribe him.
Mr. Young has been rather quiet on the subject of ex president Trump recently, he seemed to be such a n ardent supporter in years past. It is very interesting how to be a compassionate person who cares about the future of our world is to be denigrated and labeled with this new quasi insult of being woke. It seems that caring is now seen as sinful by the political right wing adherents. Sad really..
It will place my bet on one of them Numbers Boys who been so busy spending long dollars to rehabilitate themselves as upright citizens, if not then some rich religious person; an apostle or bishop or something like that. Third guess would be the usual failed politician.
How refreshing to read a well balanced and truthful account of the genesis of the country as an independant nation. The rewriting of history as disseminated by the Pindling administration and used as a political propaganda tool was both divisive and false. It is so much better to live in a country where "All we is one".
No one has ever accused the Bahamas civil service of being staffed with highly motivated well qualified staff who do not owe the position to political patronage.
If it is financially feasible to operate a bank in |Andros then a bank will open there. This is how a free market works. Banks are not run as a charity to fulfil people's needs; they are run only to make a profit. Successive government tax structures and regulations have severely impacted bank profitability; combined with very real financial risks of doing business in a country whose government bonds have been downgraded to junk bond status, then it is not surprising that the country has seen a significant downsizing of the foreign banks, mostly Canadian.
And we march on with hands outstretched to get that free gubmint money towards a nearer clearer failed state. This is not the new way, it has been going on for near on 50 years now. Dollar devaluation soon come, then you cry.
hrysippus says...
Wow, Belinda really wants to get one of them sweet mp's jobs. Mp's get almost as much vacation as teachers do....
On Back-to-school VAT holiday arrives too late to help
Posted 15 August 2023, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Good luck to those who purchase a short term bond paying 2o%. Such a very high interest rate . s eems a bit desperate to me. I will not take advantage of this offer.
On Restaurant chain eyeing 20% bond for expansion
Posted 11 August 2023, 8:21 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Loftus stood out from the Pindling cabinet because he displayed a high degree of integrity, something rarely seen in his cabinet colleagues. One of the rare ones who refused all attempts to bribe him.
On Acklins school named in honour of Loftus Roker
Posted 10 August 2023, 7:24 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Lincky still at it. He desperately trying to be relevant to something, anything
On Coalition of Independents delivers letter to Governor General urging a commission of inquiry into actions of Immigration Minister
Posted 9 August 2023, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Mr. Young has been rather quiet on the subject of ex president Trump recently, he seemed to be such a n ardent supporter in years past. It is very interesting how to be a compassionate person who cares about the future of our world is to be denigrated and labeled with this new quasi insult of being woke. It seems that caring is now seen as sinful by the political right wing adherents. Sad really..
On PETER YOUNG: Growth of woke extremism concerning as seen in the ‘de-banking’ of Farage
Posted 8 August 2023, 4:53 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
It will place my bet on one of them Numbers Boys who been so busy spending long dollars to rehabilitate themselves as upright citizens, if not then some rich religious person; an apostle or bishop or something like that. Third guess would be the usual failed politician.
On ‘MOTHER’ PRATT FAVOURED FOR GOVERNOR GENERAL: Announcement about the post to be made ‘in short order’, says Davis
Posted 8 August 2023, 6 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
How refreshing to read a well balanced and truthful account of the genesis of the country as an independant nation. The rewriting of history as disseminated by the Pindling administration and used as a political propaganda tool was both divisive and false. It is so much better to live in a country where "All we is one".
On FRONT PORCH: Our celebration of independence should not be confused with the birth of our nation
Posted 28 July 2023, 7:17 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
No one has ever accused the Bahamas civil service of being staffed with highly motivated well qualified staff who do not owe the position to political patronage.
On Public servants protest for better treatment
Posted 27 July 2023, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
If it is financially feasible to operate a bank in |Andros then a bank will open there. This is how a free market works. Banks are not run as a charity to fulfil people's needs; they are run only to make a profit. Successive government tax structures and regulations have severely impacted bank profitability; combined with very real financial risks of doing business in a country whose government bonds have been downgraded to junk bond status, then it is not surprising that the country has seen a significant downsizing of the foreign banks, mostly Canadian.
On Urgent need for banks on the islands
Posted 27 July 2023, 6:46 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
And we march on with hands outstretched to get that free gubmint money towards a nearer clearer failed state. This is not the new way, it has been going on for near on 50 years now. Dollar devaluation soon come, then you cry.
On ‘ERRORS’ ON PAYROLL COST GOVT $120M: ‘Some had salary paid for decades without records’
Posted 26 July 2023, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal