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jamaicaproud says...

Concern noted, but even if they deport every Haitian including yourself, you won't be happy. You àught to be shamed of yourself if a Bahamian would rather employ a Kreyol speaking Haitian than you.

jamaicaproud says...

I could be wrong but I strongly suspect who this sociologist is. Every few months the Newspapers give him space for some new utterance. That being said. The issue of beating is cultural, There is a culture of control at every level.

Haven't seen this video, but knowing the mindset, last year a women in Jamaica was seen beating her daughter with a machete. The courts recognized she needed socialization as opposed to incarceration. Many of these people are raised as beasts and brutes and simply don't know better.

On Lloyd wants probe into 'abuse' of girl

Posted 14 December 2019, 8:16 a.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

I understand fully well. However, when it comes to death, there needs to be decorum. One cannot always be a brute

On 50 bodies unclaimed in trailer

Posted 11 December 2019, 7:07 p.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

That is entirely another issue. People died in a storm, it can happen or could have been you.

Blame your politicians and yourself, who no longer wanted to be, "Hewers of wood, or drawers of water." It is a crisis of your own making.

However, now that there is a Prime Minister who "Knew not the Haitians", You are attempting to give them straw to make bricks.

Hopefully a Moses(whats Kreyol for Moses?) will rise up, the Atlantic and Caribbean may open up so that Minnis can let Papa Docs people go.

On 50 bodies unclaimed in trailer

Posted 11 December 2019, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

Technically no but still. Anyway, you guys are little America, what do I know. I am the product of an "F" Style political System

On Top officers ‘insulted’ by jobs switch

Posted 11 December 2019, 1:35 p.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

We are talking about dead bodies here.

But since you want to talk about an invasion. A simple geography lesson which I know is taught in your schools is this.

By virtue of geography, the Bahamas finds itself in the way of Haitians going to Florida. Your government should allow them to float on right through and let it be the US problem. However, in this instance, we are talking about human dignity. There can be no negotiation about that.

On 50 bodies unclaimed in trailer

Posted 11 December 2019, 10:24 a.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

You are one sick person. So Haitian bodies don't have a right to be treated with dignity?

Now pray tell, how can the bodies be claimed when their kinsmen have been deported and also it has been ordered they can't return to the island?

The bad part is you guys are so convinced in your mind you are of sound mind. This while politicians pick your pockets and wear Terylene and Wool suits in the tropical climate.

On 50 bodies unclaimed in trailer

Posted 11 December 2019, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

We can't have the most prosperous economy in the Caribbean sea being run like a downtown Patty shop. The wheels are about to fall off the car.

On Top officers ‘insulted’ by jobs switch

Posted 11 December 2019, 8:54 a.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

Some of you guys love the "Haitian angle". Always try to put a spin. However when the strikes start and get out of control. Hotel, insurance board and others, These same goonsquads will be unleashed on so called real Bahamians. What will you say then?

On ‘They beat me because I had a job’

Posted 11 December 2019, 8:48 a.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

The hate.. oops hit squad

On Video shows officer hitting man in face

Posted 9 December 2019, 5:46 p.m. Suggest removal