Comment history

newcitizen says...

Facts do not matter to Bahamians, only feelings.

On Unemployment rate down to 9.5 percent

Posted 12 August 2019, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

Well if you want to wait for the government to raise their standard then we'll wait forever. Always an excuse for us not to move forward.

On Business slams 500% Customs burden rise

Posted 10 August 2019, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

What is a pizza license?

newcitizen says...

John, I think you need a history lesson. Your ignorance is showing.

newcitizen says...

What Indigenous Bahamian's John? Pretty sure all the Arawaks and Lucayans are long gone.

newcitizen says...

What are you talking about, where are these millions of migrants and what FREE services are they getting?

newcitizen says...

This makes no sense. Most economic publication put The Bahamas import total for 2016 betweem $2.5-$3 billion.

On $1.3bn tax giveaway

Posted 2 June 2019, 8:11 p.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

Look at the picture, how will the new development be any different than what is currently already there?

On ‘We’ll fight Harbour Island plan’

Posted 1 May 2019, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

Go and buy it. That's what Disney did. They bought already privately held land.

newcitizen says...

Are you serious? You're blaming same sex couples for the breakdown of family units in the Bahamas? Jesus Christ you are ignorant. How many gay couples do you know with children in the Bahamas? How many single parent broken home families do you know? How many absent fathers are there? Are gay couples forcing those fathers to be absent? Are gay couples causing all of the out of wedlock children to be conceived? I'm not sure you could be more ignorant.