Comment history

pablojay says...

I like that picture of Fred smiling,because if he had no legitimate political outlet for his
massive ego, he would be a crazy man.

pablojay says...

Our hard working officers have been promised their money by the previous government and i think that the present one is morally bound to honour that promise.There was also the
possibility that had the PLP been reelected,they may have put in on the back burner,citing
unforeseen circumstances.There are times in life when a commitment should be honoured,
even if it hurts to do so. I believe that this is one of them.

pablojay says...

As one who was born in Grant's Town, i get great satisfaction from the fact that Perry lost
because that area has had fifty years of continuous PLP representation, until Wednesday.

pablojay says...

Poor Loretta, she could have been a cabinet minister again. Oh how have the mighty
(Leader of the Opposition) fallen!

pablojay says...

Let there be rain!! !

pablojay says...

sooo sorry, sheeprunner, You are right! Now show me by bad language skills.

pablojay says...

OMG, your comments are disgraceful! People with unbiased common sense should be able
and willing to appreciate Mr. Tynes' comments. He has been at the forefront most of his life
and has always been known to be honest and upfront when he speaks. Because what he is
saying is not what you want to hear, you have responded negatively.Should you reach his
age and i am hoping that you do,you will understand that at that stage of your life,seeking
favours,backbiting,and 'sucking up'are long past, all you want is what is best for your country,
for the sake of future generations.

pablojay says...

If " reverendrichikemp " is a man of the cloth, then his god died in the year 2000 and his
god's wife resides on Mt. Fitzwilliam. He and birdiestrachan can pray for his resurrection
to lead the blind and mindless minions.

pablojay says...

I am happy to see the political moves that Loretta has made recently because they gave
me a chance to see her upfront and i am very disappointed in what i have seen .I have
lost a lot of respect for her and i will take this occasion to remind her that what goes around
comes around and that anytime that you put a snake in your bosom, there is a chance that
you may get bitten.

On Bran: I'd quit Senate over Loretta row

Posted 10 February 2017, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

The PLP should be kicked out of office for many things,but in my view and from what i have
seen,the worst thing by far is the legalisation of the Web Shops. i sometimes frequent them
and i can tell many horror stories concerning them, including a lady who told me that she broke a $60,000 fix deposit and does not know where the money went,being a witness to a
young mother who opened her pay envelope in a web shop,then after "spinning",furiously
cried that she has no money for her baby's pampers,a web shop security saying that if he
wanted to , he can get any sexual favour up to four times a day for less than $40 from decent
women who are hooked on "spinning" and many more. I must also admit that i have lost some
money there, but thank God i am now able to limit my playing to what i can afford and not spin
When you think of all that the web shop owners have and that fact that it was obtained from those who can least afford it, it is quite sad.

On Island Luck CEO hits out at Rupert Roberts

Posted 9 January 2017, 11:54 p.m. Suggest removal