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pablojay says...

" Media have an agenda over Sears". This is another time where i was able to correctly identify the author before having seen the letter. Let's give him the 4B'S.....Bodie Butters Brave Buns!

On Media have an agenda over Sears

Posted 15 December 2022, 7:38 a.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

Birdiestrachan....stop your foolishness ,as you are perpetuating a 50 year old lie ,that is still
believed by many of your party supporters. All the police officers involved in the investigation
concluded that a drug deal ' gone sour' led to Barry's murder.

On Pintard: FNM will not tolerate aggression

Posted 26 August 2022, 9:55 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

Another lousy article by the Tribune that leaves more questions than answers. Oh how i
weep for thee...Tribune of old.

On Sweet potato recall follows infestation

Posted 27 July 2022, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

i always say that this is the worst bunch of reporters that this country has ever had and all
they do is report. If i were a reporter, when Munroe said that the main perpetrator was Bahamian, i would have immediately ask if he was of Haitian descent.

On ‘You’ve 14 days to vacate land’

Posted 20 June 2022, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

The mere fact that if any other Member of Parliament gets up in the House and proceeds to
attack a public servant, the Speaker is in no position to criticize or stop them, shows how wrong
she was for doing the same..

On ‘No public criticism from me’

Posted 15 June 2022, 10:56 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

Some years back when Borco was sold to Buckeye, the government received $42 million in stamp tax and P.M. Ingraham took it all to Nassau. I told my F.N.M. MP that he should
encourage the PM to allot some of that money to Grand Bahama, as it made sense , even
politically, but alas it fell on deaf ears. Quite a few people that i know who voted F.N.M in
the previous election did not vote F.N.M. in the following one ,solely because of that .

pablojay says...

Even this editorial is biased because it would make one believe that only girls are children.
Many young boys are preyed on also ,but no mention of them, remember Mario?
As we pray for all of our children ,let us all do our part to bring them safely to adulthood.

pablojay says...

He is correct with the land prices. The only thing is that you will have to pay a yearly service
charge ,minimum around $120. For the price of a lot in Pinewood Gardens you can buy a
piece of land at least 2.5 times the Pinewood size in the high class category almost anywhere in Freeport,that is not a canal or beachfront lot and in some areas you can buy a canal lot for under $50,000

On Researchers need to do GB prices homework

Posted 23 February 2022, 10:45 a.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

In the old days, the reporters would go from left to right ,identifying all in the picture, but
nowadays they are too lazy and leave it up to the readers to figure things out, for example,
the white woman has to be Sarah Dickson,etc.
All of that just to plant a seagrape tree which grows wildly all over the country.

pablojay says...

if we treat the Haitians that badly, do you think that they would be risking their lives for more
than half a century, just to get here?

On Mitchell addresses turbulence in Haiti

Posted 21 October 2021, 9:07 p.m. Suggest removal