Comment history

pablojay says...

The question about Dr .Kevin Bethel came up in a webex meeting with a prominent doctor at
The Rand and his response was that he had heard about it also and he personally asked Dr.
Bethel to supply them with the information, but he never did.


Posted 14 October 2021, 10:24 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

It is truly sad to think that after all the years that we (blacks) have governed this country,
many of us still believe that all of our leaders have been dancing to the white man's tune.

On Lewis first to hint at run for leadership

Posted 24 September 2021, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

I guess you include Brave's Nygard in that "hue" also.

On Lewis first to hint at run for leadership

Posted 24 September 2021, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

Y'all biased too! If that was an FNM photo, y'all would have said " no masks!"

pablojay says...

I have always believed that the PLP has an advantage over the FNM because it has a set of
followers who will always vote for them ,no matter what. They don't know or care what is
happening in our country,all they care about is PLP. Having heard over the years many
times not who,but what they would vote for once the PLP puts 'it' there.On many occasions i have heard PLP supporters say that they don't like Brave,but they will PLP and on many
occasions i have heard FNM supporters say that they will not vote for Minnis and the results
mirrored the difference.

pablojay says...

When McAlpine won the nomination for Pineridge , I spoke with some FNM supporters and i
predicted correctly all that has transpired with him, because he was never a team player and
if he did not get what he wanted he would grumble loudly. All the noise that he has been
making is just so that he stays in people's minds. All his former church members can attest to
it and he is always right about everything. when you think about it, his surname starts with an
'M' and ends with an 'e'. he always believed that he was destined to lead and would accept
nothing less.

On McAlpine confident in Pineridge

Posted 15 September 2021, 10 a.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

I hope that this his picture is not representative of the unions that they lead,because most of
them , despite all of the warnings,have yet to learn how to wear a mask properly.

pablojay says...

John it seems you have no children ,otherwise you would remember taking them or having
their mother doing so to a pediatrician,or clinic to be immunized.

On Lloyd clarifies vaccination comments

Posted 19 August 2021, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

Strange how we believe what we want . We all believe Dr .Dahl-Regis when she says only 50%
of healthcare workers are vaccinated ,because we love the low figure. she could have lied and
said 85% and how could we prove it? On the insurance side of it ,you can go to,since you believe that foolishness.

pablojay says...

Read the article to completion please and you would see that they will also receive a piece of
property in Olympia Heights, the last ones i remember were an acre in size. Answer me with
what you think the value of that property might be.

On Heroes head home - to a cash reward

Posted 12 August 2021, 2:44 p.m. Suggest removal