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screwedbahamian says...

We can all see why the structure of our government and governance is so weak and wishy-washy. Our political party's, once put in office, run the government similar to their party, one never know what will happen day after day or year after year. ( only that the average Bahamian citizen will be screwed). No way to run a political party or our Government.

On FNM cancels another national convention

Posted 8 May 2019, 10:39 a.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

Seriously??, we need to stop reporting news from the HOA when these politicians (Blabber mouths) start to tell us what they are going to do, instead of what action has been done to protect the Citizens of and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas that they have been entrusted to do.
We don't have the apparent manpower or technology to detect and stop wooden sail boats travelling at some 3 miles per hour that invade our shores next to our Defense Force Base and now we must believe that we have the manpower and technology to monitor and stop these large Cruise Ships that carry thousands of people on them, hundreds of private yachts and small private boats that anchor or pass through our beautiful waters form dumping million of tons of sewage and other contaminants a year in our waters. stop the madness!!!!!! Start making statements with confirmation, of had been accomplished for the Bahamian People.

screwedbahamian says...

Why is the Bahamas Attorney General having to tolerate and spend the peoples time responding to and explaining this foolishness. Don't you think the world of degenerate Criminals are watching all this and laughing their heads of at our government. The law was implemented to govern the Web Shop Numbers boys and their national destructive enterprises through a tax structure deemed necessary by the peoples government, then renegotiated by the peoples government to the supposedly agreement of these nation termites. Now they want more renegotiations and are withholding the peoples tax monies that are due and payable. Stop this madness, correct the passed mistakes and revoke their licenses ( with a tax lien against their business for the amount owing the people) and implement a national lottery that will benefit all the people of the bahamas. Mr. attorney general stand up and be a person of more action and less words with these criminals. Period.

On Web shop hold-outs on ‘shaky ground’

Posted 26 April 2019, 10:08 a.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

Thank you realitycheck242.
I am pursuing the matter to no end.
I applied for my pension in 2010 and NIB could not locate my records and requested that I contact The International Banking Firm to obtain my records. explaining that the firm had dissolved and was told to find copy of paychecks from showing my information. unable to locate the paystubs. I visited the NIB and explained that I could not locate the paycheck to another clerk there. She again entered my name system and found all my information, but was happy to announce that because of The Hubert (papa doc) Ingraham new NIB pension benefits takeway law, that I could not qualify and would have to apply for the old age pension to see if I could qualified for that. Now the NIB say that since i applied for the NIB pension benefits that I can not qualify for the old age pension. truly non bahamian treatment!!!!

On Crunch time for NIB on payouts

Posted 25 April 2019, 4:19 p.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

Countries that cannot protect its citizens in every way necessary, be able to feed its people, provide its younger generation with a future and afford its citizens an acceptable standard of life should not be independent, If the large corporations in the Ship cruise Industry are having there large passengers ships dumping very large amounts of human waste and other food waste and poisons in our waters and getting away with it what about the hundreds of private boats that anchor in our harbours and around Islands. We cannot get upset when we have to hear disrespectable expressions of " Shit hole countries"

On Tougher marine laws in pipeline

Posted 25 April 2019, 10:55 a.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

Instead of NIB investing it funds in sound Long term investments (like owning outright and partnership in the Major Hotels and other investments in the Tourist Industry) the Governments instead gave the funds to The Bank of the Bahamas to make million of dollars to dead beat Politicians who today are running around living large and enjoying life with the Honest Bahamian Pensioners money. Shame ! Shame!. Any non politician Bahamian that is depending on the monthly pension income promised at their retirement age " should not" . My own personal experience of having contributed since the inception in 1973 and after some 38 years at retirement age was told sorry you no longer qualify for a pension, go live of Jumbey bush and die. the papa "doc" ingraham government.

On Crunch time for NIB on payouts

Posted 25 April 2019, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

Since no Caribbean or World accident response time statistics were offered to support the claim, one can only conclude that this is an opinion and truly not a fact. In my opinion only in the Bahamas are the effected public told at press conferences of opinions and not facts. Perhaps this it the reason for so much unsuccessful prosecution by our Law enforcement departments of Criminals in our Paradise Bahama land.

screwedbahamian says...

The National Cancer is progressing. The government need to shut down these web shops and implement a National Lottery. Failing that, the government should require that in order to consider a renewal of the web shop license, a tax reserve of 12 months taxes must be placed in a non interest bearing account with the gaming board, and the government withdraw the tax due from that account monthly. If the web shop close down within that 12 months, the balance of the account is forfeited to the government and the Bahamian people.

screwedbahamian says...

Maybe the Commonwealth Secretariat should have been present in our Bahamas in 2011 when papa ( doc ) ingraham took away the NIB pensions benefits from many deserving senior citizens and Loss the next election by a major tsunami result. Hope the country of Belize do not have senior citizens.

screwedbahamian says...

it is disheartening to be made aware off how our governments ran and run the affairs of our country with such blatant disregard for Responsible, Accountable and transparent governance.
it is a national and global shame and disgrace that the government of Papa (Doc) Ingraham took away the NIB small monthly pension benefits from the old aged pensioners who built this country to facilitate such corruption, slackness and mismanagement of the tax funds of hard working true Bahamian citizens,
This is a is a government paid Audit, name and shame the unscrupulous persons that stole all these Funds from us so that we can recognize them and their families for who they are,.

On Sports agency broke finance regulations

Posted 5 April 2019, 2:50 p.m. Suggest removal