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ted4bz says...

Bahamas 2.0
This is what that looks like.

ted4bz says...

Nice PR, nice start I do not deny. Boy but do we have a sloppy record of not doing things properly, who can deny that? Besides that the over all farming program is still rated at 2.1% and still importing more than 80% of our food (check the CIA or US State Department Website). And, besides that, whats to guarantee that eventually the doors to this facilities/program will not shut due to improper consideration, planning and function, etc. It all seems possible, indeed there is very little success in our track record to ensure success. In our record there is much much more to ensure failure and massive spending resulting in very little returns twisted by a lot of smart talking political spins and hypes.

The problem and failure of BAMSI I see here is the same failure as Bahamar; to big, to much invested to fast into one basket without thorough and diverse research and planning. One small fire basically tossed a wrench into this program and came pretty much close to wrecking the BAMSI engine. Ok what am I Saying? We have one farm, in one spot of the country whose operation and programs can be wiped out by one massive natural disaster such as a hurricane, flood, parasites, bacteria, pest, etc ". So why bill one big huge place in just one place when infact it could have with the same speed been spread-out amounts several islands such as Inagua or Mayaguana, yes Andros and also Grand Bahama or Abaco, yes three Bahamsi Facilities sharing the the same size and the same finances. Wouldn't that be about the same thing? Except more economical, more secure and three times the result, that is if we are truly serious about what Bahamsi is about and should do? Yeah we good at talking things right, but let get into the habits of putting things to rights, doing things right and getting it right.

ted4bz says...

And another thing, american airlines merged with usairways and kept the fleet of USAirways DASH 8's and gave up its entire fleet of ATR's instead. I wish these boys would stop thinking these political appointments are provided to them to go shopping and to spend up our monies recklessly on nonsense.

ted4bz says...

I don't see your solution. Don't be fooled by what it's not doing, there are many underlying factors that even the best of us can not know. But you should be intelligent to know there are no free riders, nor rides.

On Devaluation issue ‘of when, not if’

Posted 21 July 2016, 10:32 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Now wait! Asking those in authority to fix this problem is like cleaning the mess with a dirty rag or sweeping the dirt under the rug. Nonsense! Let's stop asking and expecting the problem to fix the problem. We need to start over, we need political cleansing, this cleansing will in no way come from the apex of the pyramid but from the very bottom of it where there are no copies or spoils. Thing is Are we prepaired, is there a Joshua?

ted4bz says...

These guys think like children, they are thinking about us like we are children! "I will make people happy"? Like I say I don't want you'll do nothing for me. If my happiness depends on you guys, i choose otherwise. Don't be such an idiot.

On Wilchcombe: I will make people happy

Posted 1 July 2015, 4:46 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

If they don't want to lease it, it will cost to keep it, are they willing to waste dollars maintaining it or should hungry jobless people pay more in church to do nothing with the building. There are far more important issues to deal with other than a few people with no problems attached to the past. What's past is past, so grab hold of your emotions, forget about this and move on.

ted4bz says...

Energy giants talk to power figures only, those who will protect them gets a deal and they put nothing in writing.

Early this week (Monday) I sent out an email alerting RUBiS that we were smelling very strong gas fumes on the eastern side of RUBiS in the Highbury Park side of Old Trail Road and that this was the case for the past 2 to 3 weeks (even though this is not every day this usually happens after it rains. This has been the case for the past year and months, even after the remediation, sometimes days at a time). In the email I copied a few of the media including minister Fitzgerald and Dorsett. RUBiS responded to the media but RUBiS replied to the media alone, they omitted me from the email response informing the media that the situation is not so. The media called after they received the email response from RUBiS. I told them I did not receive a response from RUBiS so they all forwarded RUBiS respond to my email address. RUBiS response addressed the alert with my name at the top, again the only thing is they did not included my email.

The email said they sent someone to check and the person walked the stretch for an hour and did not detect any vapors or smell and that their systems did not record any leaks. So I was out of my flipping mind trying to toss red flags for attention, I guess. The same way they did not detect and smell the strong fumes we were smelling is perhaps they didn't come, we didn't see them, they didn't do what they said and most certainly no one came and asked us where were we smelling the fumes, no one. Other than the media no one else called not even environmental health.

We are on our own. I sure do hope the people of Sandy Port have a case and that they spill this into the global community. Energy giants are not afraid of property owners, governments and the laws of of countries (if any), nor feeble law suits and petitions launched by small communities, its got to be on a global scale. If the people of Sandy Port will do so only then will RUBiS and the government act on behalf of residents to protect their reputation. When the global community, green activist and billion dollar green corporations protecting the environment and the health of human-beans only do energy giants respond in kind. Almost all settlement by energy giants are settled this way as a result of wide spread pressure and embarrassment. We are much to small and weak to make an effective impact on how they are handling us as human-beans.

By Ted Forbes

On Rubis probe as fuel found in trench

Posted 26 June 2015, 8:11 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Who cares.

On Smith vows to stay with PLP

Posted 12 June 2015, 5:19 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Let me be the first Bahamian citizen to publicly turn down the money of a foreigner, I am not interested.