Comment history

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

Brilliant logic, chase away the "wealthy landowners" who can go to Caymans, T&C, Monaco, Greece, Italy, etc etc and pay about 1/10th the amount of property tax than the Bahamas and then don't make any reasonable attempt to collect outstanding taxes on whoever is left. Genius plan

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

What's worse, getting ripped off by a fraudster via a Webshop account or getting ripped off by depositing your money to your own Webshop account and gambling it away? At least in scenario A you have .00001% chance of retaining your money

On Police warning on fraud trends

Posted 7 May 2022, 2:48 a.m. Suggest removal

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

The boys with the fat suits and little sticks can't make a dent in violent crime but boy howdy can they arrest teenagers with a joint in dey pocket! Well done, go do a walkaround and let the public know what great guys you are! "black pouch and plastic wrapping" woo hoo, how dramatic!

In other news violent crime is off the charts in Nassau

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

Multiple shootings on a daily basis and nothing being done to stop it. Cops busy arresting 16 year olds for having a marijuana gummy in they pocket. smh

On The US warns visitors over violent crime

Posted 22 April 2022, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

Get rid of all guns and allow police to arrest anyone without a complaint. Why didn't I think of that?

On ‘Get rid of the guns’

Posted 22 April 2022, 1:40 a.m. Suggest removal

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

anyone with access to a jetski or a small boat can access the entirety of Cabbage beach at any access point they choose. Climbing over private property to access the beach is an issue because,....well it's private property. NOONE is denying Bahamians access to the beach.

It is the jetski operator thugs and their drug dealing accomplices who beat and rape unsuspecting tourists on a daily basis when given unobstructed access to the beach that are ruining things for everyone. Why haven't these criminals been stopped?

U.S. Embassy in Nassau: Jet Ski Operators Sexually Assaulted 5 Tourists in 18 Months…

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

Shouldn't these clowns be out stopping out of control violent crime in our country rather than hosting "easter egg hunts"?

Just a thought

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

I for one feel a great deal safer now knowing that Brave and Commissioner Rolle are on the job!

"We have identified that the majority of those firearms, illegal firearms, have been coming from Florida,” Wow, great detective work! How long did it take you to figure that one out??

lmfao, smh!

On Fighting back on crime

Posted 10 April 2022, 5:24 a.m. Suggest removal

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

Considering the stone age "infrastructure" on most of the out islands, it's pretty laughable that this guy criticises legitimate home owners for complaining. Pay more tax for what?

Diesel powered "temporary" generators, tank trap sized potholes, an electrical grid that crashes every 5 minutes, coax cable that's rusted and doesn't work, invisible police force, laughably bad "water" system,....and on and on and on and,....

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

"Sleeping giant"? more like a drunken midget