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hrysippus says...

A short fifty years to bleed it dry, .. No blood left in the stone, the minister's cry, , It's the people's fault, They're living too long. . .. The managers have done no wrong, , ,,The loans that they made for ridiculous things,,,, , ,, ,, High salaried staff living like kings, .. ... ..As mismanagement comes back to bite, .. ..No finance minister will be anywhere in sight. .. . ..Most likely off island on a tax-payers paid trip,,,,...Making dead sure they don't sink with the ship... sigh.

On NIB fund on course to lose $95m this year

Posted 15 February 2023, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

The Ringmaster of the party in power, . ... Descended from his canvas tower,,,,,,,,,Bypassing Clint who no one believes, .. . He said; " we're not just a gang of thieves, ... .. We're gonna deal wit them shany towns, .. . .Cos we're also not just a bunch of clowns," .. .. The confirmed bachelor would say the same, . 'cept he got a lioness to tame. .. .. . .. .Subsequent to a public spate, .. .When that invitation was sent out late.. ,... .. .. It almost caused a queenly war,, ,, ,, ,Publicly rebuked, battered and sore. ... .. ..As for black hats and obediah, .... ... . This poetic license will aim higher, .. . but only this time.

hrysippus says...

If the reef is severely damaged it may take decades to grow back. In a country with well-functioning legal and judicial systems such as our Neighbour to the north, this damage would have resulted in very very high fines for the freight boat operator.

On m/v Legacy freed, now docked at Arawak Cay

Posted 11 February 2023, 3:03 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

Obediah feels he must protest , while living high on the hog like all the rest, . Free Luch and dinner every day, ... While our taxes pay for his holiday, . . Luxury hotel and first-class seat, . . . And every meal at least two meat, ... . . While his ministry caters to the poor, , ,,, ,, Minsters most care about getting more.... . .. ..sigh.

On Wilchcombe slams FNM"s parliament protest

Posted 11 February 2023, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

Phill up has decided on the NIB. But what Phil up decided we will have to wait and see. Maybe the Shameless one should be put back in charge, But he already got his, he is living rich and large. .. NIB can't buy no more ambulances now that Christie gone, ... Sixty four thousand dollar salaries sounds like a lot of fun, . . 'Cept that money is our pensions, Which many will not get, Better buy a number, probably a safer bet,

hrysippus says...

It is hard to believe but in other counties the power companies manage to continue supplying electricity even during thunderstorms. It can only be some sort of magic that they have access to. So does BPL have any Obeah men on the payroll, and if not, why not??

On Outage due to lightning, BPL Says

Posted 7 February 2023, 8:47 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

We don't need Brandon cos we got lightning, works every time.

hrysippus says...

The plp politician P.G.Christie will be written down in the history of the country as being the cabinet minister who caused and presided over the shameful annahilation of Mr. Levy's Hatchet Bay farm and the most shameful referendum to legalize gambling, leading to the finncial ruin of so many and the gross enrichment of a handful. His legacy can never be changed.

On Rejected web shop loses licence appeal

Posted 7 February 2023, 4:33 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

The non existant problem does actually exist; not for the cititizens but for the State, The State wants to get 12& tax on each and every transaction and that is not happening at the moment. When all transaction are digital the State can better monitor them and collect more tax from the people and the business owners. Selling your car to your cousin? The State will want 12% of that price.

On Cheque end ‘solving non-existent problem’

Posted 6 February 2023, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

There has been obvious and egregious fiscal mismanagement in every administration since a majority rule government got into power, The elephant in the economy's dining room is the tens of thousands who are employed by the state, is it really 40% of the total workforce? . State employed workers do not create wealth in an economy, they only absorb the wealth created by the private sector. A better alternative, less bureaucrats needed, to income tax, is estate tax, what used to be called death duties. Simply put 35% of everyone's estate is remitted to government upon death. If this ever happens then I predict many more visits by wealthy elected politicians to Cayman and the Turks; that both are offshore tax havens used by rich people to minimize taxes will purely coincidental.